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Thank you for the Valentines!

Lot's of great Valentine's Cards are coming in! Special thanks to my favorite dentist of all time, Hoda Kazemifar DMD of Reston Serenity Smiles for her help with this effort. Great cards gang!

Also, thank you to Miss Saint Charles County 2019- Ashley Perry, for sending cards all the way from Charles County, Missouri! Couldn't do it without you!

Charitable work, like writing Valentines cards for people in need, is the glue that binds all of us. It is amazing how people from all walks of life come together and unite for a cause like this... especially in a time where there is frequently so much divide in our country. We all have common ground in this regard, and can make a big impact by focusing on what truly matters in life, not the petty differences that can sometimes divide us.

Kevin Barbera

Founder, CEO Barbera Foundation

Barbera Foundation is 100% volunteer run with 100% of all donations go to the cause (i.e. not to overhead expenses). As a result, our success is 100% contingent on your engagement and support. Please help us to spread the word by sharing this post with your friends and family, follow us on social media, and subscribe to our monthly e-mail newsletter. We couldn’t do this without YOU and are incredibly grateful for your continued support!

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To promote positive change by inspiring others to engage in the community and help those less fortunate.  

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